Di Viv and Rose
Di Viv and Rose is a comedy that follows the lives of three friends from their university days during the early 1980s, through to their adulthood. It’s a play about female friendship, as we watch them through their many successes and hardships.
Comprised of fast-paced and witty vignettes, the play explores themes of connection and communication, making it a raw but very real play.
Described as an ‘endearing, warm-hearted piece that is surprising, smartly funny and full of female banter and which reflects perceptively on what friendship really means and how it can be splintered and mended’
Online sales are now over, still you can turn up and buy a ticket on the door. Keep up to date with our upcoming events at https://bedlamtheatre.co.uk/
Where does the event happen? Bedlam Theatre, Edinburgh
When does the event happen?
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