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Candlewasters is coming back to live theatre! For the FoNTS edition, the ghost of Candlewasters’ new writing will introduce you to exciting new plays by incredible writers. Expect to laugh, gasp, maybe cry a little, but above all, to be blown away by talent!
Content and Accessibility Warnings for this show:
The age rating for this show is indicated at 13+. Contains some adult language (13+) and addresses adult content (13+).
This show contains Death/dying, Strong language, and Strobing (flashing) lights, with mentions of hateful language directed at religious groups, with allusions Child abuse/paedophilia, and Animal cruelty/death.
Online sales are now over, still you can turn up and buy a ticket on the door. Keep up to date with our upcoming events at
Where does the event happen? Teviot Underground, Teviot Row House, Edinburgh
When does the event happen?
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