The Haunting of the Bedlam Theatre
“If it is what I suspect it is, then I have no other choice. I must stop it myself. I am the director after all.”
Did you think fumbling your line or missing a cue is the scariest thing that could happen on the Bedlam stage? Think again! Set in the very place you have definitely spent far too much time in, be immersed in a spooky tale as a show team battles an ensemble of ghouls, ghosts, Vampire Shakespeare, and existential crises that live within these very walls (and under the floors!).
In true halfBaked style, not all performers will be off book, and there will be (fully) baked goods provided with every ticket, so join us for a reasonably good time!
Note: this halfBaked will not be BYOB, but we have a licenced bar that you can purchase from!
Online sales are now over, still you can turn up and buy a ticket on the door. Keep up to date with our upcoming events at
Where does the event happen? Bedlam Theatre, Edinburgh
When does the event happen?
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A service fee of £0.20 per order plus 5.5 % per order will be added to the order total.