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The Improverts

Online sales are now over, still you can turn up and buy a ticket on the door. Keep up to date with our upcoming events at

Where does the event happen? Bedlam Theatre, Edinburgh

When does the event happen?
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A service fee of £0.20 per order plus 5.5 % per order will be added to the order total.


Standard Ticket

31 currently available

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Concession Ticket

Available to students, holders of any National Entitlement Card (incl. Young Scot), NHS/medical staff and members of a firefighting service. ID will be routinely requested to justify your status.

31 currently available

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Member's Ticket

You no longer need a voucher code. On purchase you'll be prompted to login with your Bedlam account. Lifetime member? Email and we'll sort you out with a ticket!

31 currently available

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Ticket + Membership Bundles

Become a member of the EUTC and save on your ticket purchase today!

Entry + Membership (UoE Students only)

Buy your membership with a ticket for this show, and save immediately on the price of entry! (You save at least £1 with membership on all events ticketed by us, so you make your money back fast)

31 currently available

Original price: £14.00 New price: £10.00

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Entry + Membership (Except UoE Students)

Buy your membership with a ticket for this show, and save immediately on the price of entry! (You save between £2 and £3 with membership on all events ticketed by us – depending on your status – so you make your money back fast)

31 currently available

Original price: £20.00 New price: £16.00

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