Songs In The Bedlam

Join us this Friday 20 May at 19:30 for an evening of musical performances during Songs in the Bedlam! We will have a great collection of artists performing songs in a variety of genres on the Bedlam stage. Tickets are free!

This event is a full-capacity test event for the ventilation. If the test is successful, this means that Bedlam Theatre can reopen again. We need a full audience, so make sure to come and bring your friends along!

Online sales are now over, still you can turn up and buy a ticket on the door. Keep up to date with our upcoming events at

Where does the event happen? Bedlam Theatre, Edinburgh

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A service fee of £0.20 per order plus 5.5 % per order will be added to the order total.


Standard Ticket

41 currently available


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